River Tales | the book | the years 2017 & 2018, limited edition
35,00 €
Auflage: 150 Exemplare
Bildband mit Texten in Deutsch und Englisch
180 Seiten, Hardcover Fadenbindung, Format: 22 x 30 cm
3Steps Press
Support the RIVER TALES Festival through the purchase of products from the crowdfunding of 2017: RIVER TALES Products in the 3StepsStore
Art Editions
Buttons, Postcards & Sticker
As Campaign Supporter your name / name of your company and a statement will be immortalized on all festival, book and website materials.
(detailed and clear information on the presentation media you will receive on request from our team).
Festival Supporter includes all the services of the Campaign Supporter, plus you get a booth at the festival for your business.
(detailed and clear information on the presentation media you will receive on request from our team).